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Prensa y medios de comunicación

Jim Wells County deputy conducts traffic stop

June 11, 2024

Jim Wells County Sheriff’s Office using E-Citation to Boost Productivity

E-citations are the newest tool on the road for sheriff’s deputies to help speed up the process for deputies and drivers. When we see those red and blue flashing lights and hear that distinctive siren we pull over on the side of the road. “Being on the side of the road is dangerous,” said Val […]

February 21, 2024

Trusted Driver Blog: How E-Citation is Shaping the Future of Law Enforcement

In an era where technology is advancing rapidly, law enforcement agencies are not left behind. The introduction of E-Citation systems represents a significant leap towards modernizing police work, making the process of issuing citations more efficient, secure, and environmentally friendly. Let’s dive into how the Trusted Driver Platform works without the need for external hardware, […]

Driver interacts with police officer during a traffic stop

September 26, 2023

Trusted Driver Blog: 5 Reasons to Consider Trusted Driver E-Citation

Trusted Driver’s E-citation platform is a game-changer for law enforcement agencies seeking to modernize their traffic enforcement efforts while improving officer safety and efficiency. With its innovative features, easy accessibility, and flexible options, Trusted Driver offers a valuable solution to the challenges faced by law enforcement agencies today.

Texas Capitol in Austin

August 31, 2023

Trusted Driver Blog: Supporting Rural Law Enforcement

With the recent signing of the Rural Sheriff’s Office Salary Assistance Grant Program, which allocates funding for salaries and equipment needs in qualified sheriff’s offices and constable’s offices, the opportunity for innovation has never been more apparent. Trusted Driver’s revolutionary E-Citation platform stands at the forefront of addressing these equipment needs, ushering in a new era […]

Image of charts and visualizations on desktop computer screen

July 12, 2023

Trusted Driver Blog: Turn Traffic Stop Data into Actionable Insights

Introducing Trusted Driver Data & Analytics – a powerful and easy-to-use platform that provides law enforcement agencies with real-time insights into their traffic enforcement operations. With its intuitive dashboard, officers and command staff can quickly access critical information on e-citations – or electronic citations, driver demographics, vehicles, and locations.

QR Code on an electronic traffic citation

May 1, 2023

Trusted Driver Blog: QR Code Technology

Trusted Driver, a leading provider of traffic enforcement solutions, has introduced a groundbreaking innovation in the form of QR code citation cards. This innovative technology not only saves time and money, but it also reduces the amount of paper waste. The QR code citation card eliminates the need for portable printers, making it a cost-saving […]

Officer speaks to driver during traffic stop. (Trusted Driver)

April 17, 2023

Trusted Driver Blog: The New E-citation Solution

Trusted Driver is a revolutionary e-citation platform that offers an all-in-one, web-based program that is easy to use and eliminates the need for external hardware. Here are some of the reasons why Trusted Driver is a great e-citation platform.

Justice With Honor podcast thumbnail

August 5, 2022

An interview with Trusted Driver’s Todd Berdan

Justice with Honor co-hosts Lucy Ann Lance and Dan Chlebos speak with Trusted Driver’s Todd Berdan (retired Michigan State Police) about how the platform works, the benefits of the program, and how Trusted Driver can help improve community policing efforts for law enforcement agencies across the country.

Beyond the Badge Radio thumbnail capture

July 11, 2022

An interview with Trusted Driver President & CEO Val Garcia

Beyond the Badge Radio hosts Dan Chlebos and Frank Rubino interview Trusted Driver CEO Val Garcia about how Trusted Driver is revolutionizing traffic stop enforcement and increasing safety for both officers and drivers on the road.