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Officer speaks to driver during traffic stop. (Trusted Driver)

Características de Trusted Driver E-Citation

✅ Función voz a texto
✅ Búsqueda federada todo en uno
Formularios electrónicos autocopiativos
✅ Citas de códigos QR fáciles de seguir
✅ Racionalización de la recogida de datos

🚫 Se acabaron los dispositivos portátiles
🚫 No más impresoras
🚫 Se acabaron los largos billetes de papel
🚫 Se acabó cargar al final del turno

Más información
Smiling driver behind the wheel of her SUV

En Trusted Driver, la seguridad de los agentes y los conductores es la máxima prioridad

La plataforma E-citation de Trusted Driver se diseñó para funcionar sin hardware externo que pueda causar distracciones. Los agentes permanecen alerta y atentos a su entorno y los conductores pasan menos tiempo en el arcén durante un control.

Ver por qué
Officer speaks to driver during traffic stop
an icon of a car

an icon of a law enforcement badge

an icon of a government building

Jim Wells County deputy conducts traffic stop

June 11, 2024

Jim Wells County Sheriff’s Office using E-Citation to Boost Productivity

E-citations are the newest tool on the road for sheriff’s deputies to help speed up the process for deputies and drivers. When we see those red and blue flashing lights and hear that distinctive siren we pull over on the side of the road. “Being on the side of the road is dangerous,” said Val […]

February 21, 2024

Trusted Driver Blog: How E-Citation is Shaping the Future of Law Enforcement

In an era where technology is advancing rapidly, law enforcement agencies are not left behind. The introduction of E-Citation systems represents a significant leap towards modernizing police work, making the process of issuing citations more efficient, secure, and environmentally friendly. Let’s dive into how the Trusted Driver Platform works without the need for external hardware, […]

Driver interacts with police officer during a traffic stop

September 26, 2023

Trusted Driver Blog: 5 Reasons to Consider Trusted Driver E-Citation

Trusted Driver’s E-citation platform is a game-changer for law enforcement agencies seeking to modernize their traffic enforcement efforts while improving officer safety and efficiency. With its innovative features, easy accessibility, and flexible options, Trusted Driver offers a valuable solution to the challenges faced by law enforcement agencies today.